Shrikant Saini
MRSEC Postdoctoral Fellow

    University of Utah 105 S. Central Campus Drive# 2031
    Salt Lake City, UT 84112
    Tel:801-581-4142 (L)
    Fax: 801-581-4816

Professional Preparation:

B.S. (2000-2003) Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, C.S.J.M. University (P.P.N. Degree College), Kanpur, India.
M.S. (2003-2005) Physics, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
Ph.D. (2007-2011) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jeju National University, Republic of Korea.

Research Experiences:

•    Thin films.
•    Green energy.
•    Thermoelectric.
•    Superconductivity.
•    Josephson Junction.
•    Focused Ion Beam.
•    Nano Devices.


(2009-2014) Published 19 papers in International Journals, 2 Book Chapters, and 4 Conference Proceedings.

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